Build a life of ease with an always-available IFS Guide

Transform your experience with

AI-supported Internal Family Systems

& more

A place to do the work

A place to do the work

Full-cycle support to discover emotional blocks, transform them, and integrate the learnings.

Full-cycle support to discover emotional blocks, transform them, and integrate the learnings.

For in between sessions or therapists

For in between sessions or therapists

Refract is here, whether you want to do IFS session #2 and #3 while you wait for your weekly meeting or you're looking for a therapist and want support now.

Refract is here, whether you want to do IFS session #2 and #3 while you wait for your weekly meeting or you're looking for a therapist and want support now.

Always available

Always available

Go deep by doing IFS Alone

Go deep by doing IFS alone

Go deep by doing IFS Alone

Close your eyes & use your voice, or type

Close your eyes & use your voice, or type

Helpful end of session report to review later

Helpful end of session report to review later

Journal with your parts at any time

Journal with your parts at any time

A self-exploration companion

A self-exploration companion

Refract isn't a therapist, but it'll make space for you as you explore emotional technologies (both cutting-edge & tried and true)

Refract isn't a therapist, but it'll make space for you as you explore emotional technologies (both cutting-edge & tried and true)

Get clarity and support on your intentions

Get clarity and support on your intentions

Discover key emotional issues

Use durable transformation techniques

Use durable transformation techniques

Integrate your growth

Celebrate progress & wins

Early User Testimonials

Early User Testimonials

Kristijan, ML Engineer & Team Lead

“I got an emotional release and a novel insight from my session, which is amazing for an AI system! I also loved the report & transcript you provide at the end.”

Alexandra, Founder, Crypto Philanthropy Club

“That was powerful! Got into some old stuff in my psyche. It worked! That would have been an expensive session with an therapist, thank you for building this.”

Jason, ex-Elicit AI engineer

"...this felt like if it had happened with my therapist I would have been thrilled with the session."

Move towards:

Internal alignment

Ease up inner gridlock by listening to your parts

Executive function

Work on parts of you that make it hard to achieve your goals

Secure relationships

Inner work to increase ease in showing up for others


A deeper understanding of your internal landscape

Emotional health

A more regulated internal state is possible! Experience it.


Uncover the deep okayness that already exists beneath the conflict

The Answer Isn't Out There

The Answer Isn't Out There

Inside all of us is an expansive ecosystem that knows exactly what it wants: aliveness. Learning to navigate that system brings clarity, confidence, and energy.

Refract won't tell you what to do.

You've got the answers. You're in the driver's seat. But sometimes a GPS helps.

Refract isn't your therapist.

It's designed as a compliment to traditional therapy by focusing on space holding not prescription.

Refract's here to support you.

Get to know your inner landscape and update outdated beliefs with memory reconsolidation.



Meet yourself. Free while in beta.

Meet yourself. Free while in beta.

Empower your self-therapy & journaling practices with an always-available space holder.

Empower your self-therapy & journaling practices with an always-available space holder.